Ep 145: 2024 Recap, 2025 Goals, and Fishing with Young Kids, with Mel Moss

This is the annual episode where Mel and I go through our fishing goals from the past year and talk about what we have in store for the upcoming year. In this episode, we switched things up a bit. As a new mom, Mel didn’t have as much time as she’d hoped to get out on the water, so in place of some of the goals she was not able to finish, she talked me through what it was like taking an infant fishing and what she anticipates for the upcoming year fishing with a toddler. I went through my goals as usual and set some new ones for 2025.

Waypoint TV


Ep 146: Fishing the San Juan, with James Garrettson


Ep 144: Fishing the Cicada Hatch, with Dave Zielinski